
Thursday, April 29, 2010 ;

Have you ever been in a situation where you were just so close to believing in something, and then things suddenly fall apart? It's like being in a swimming competition, wherein you're so close to reaching the finish line then you suddenly get cramps. Efff, right?

I hate it when the things I start to believe in trickles away like dust. The most unexpected things. . . they twist both ends of "what could have been's "

I found a moment of solitude sitting by the window pane. It was a summer's break -yes, the raging rain. As crystals started to dazzle the dry pavement, thoughts came running on my mind. I've laid on ink a few things I surmised...

Unexpected Things
They have the worst and best spells that could twist both ends of "what if's" and "what could have been's". You cannot do anything but to accept it, because in the first place, you didn't have the option to reject it.

Life-changing matters that can't be undone. It starts an unbreakable chain that neither rust nor fire can melt. You stick by it, you stand by it. Period.

It could be unfair sometimes but there's always a reason behind every fall. Life is not about sweet nothings and sparkling lights. A rainbow wouldn't exist without the sun and the rain. In the end, God's plan always prevails.

Ah, the irony of love. I've known it not for too long, nor have I imagined the wonders it could do. Silly love, it comes either at the wrong place and the wrong time, or the right place and time but the wrong person. It remains to be an inexplicable phenomenon that astonishingly binds two different people. I do not yet understand its incomprehensible mystery, but eventually if it's meant to be, my heart will lead me there.

She's so fly, miss bubblesky. Once she falls in love, expect the best and never ever make her cry. It's been my cliche for a couple of months now. When I was a little girl, I used to sing this song called "Que Sera, Sera". Funny how I came to live by "Whatever happens, happens." when in fact the meaning of the Spanish song I mentioned earlier is "Whatever will be, will be." Amazing, huh? Well this girl's pretty much more than what you think she is and could be. Trust me ♥

Gee, I spent hours trying to pop my bubble of thoughts and use the suds to come up with this blog entry. After sleepless nights because of painstaking nightmares, after a series of unexpected events...here I am, still ready to face tomorrow with a smile. A frown doesn't go well with a tiara after all. :]


♪♪♪B's thoughts and babbles@5:33 PM

just aminute
They call me "Beiii" but the real name's Bea. Currently taking BS-Information Systems @DLSU-M. Seventeen yet still has a heart of little girl. *Daydreamer. I hate turning a little older every 2nd of September. My lipbalm's cherry pink. I most certainly LOVE cheesecakes. I would like to have blue streaks on my hair. I once dreamed of being a rockstar. Music is my thing. How I wish photography too. I sing in the shower. Laugh like there's no tomorrow.&&Smile even when the world is falling apart. 'Cause really... I never run out of reasons to be HAPPY.

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It's always good to have a cup of coffee, a slice of cheesecake, and get a little escape from reality.

explore myworld



►Dell Studio 1450
►new cellphone
►blue lava lamp
►white ballet flats
►new set of Staedtler pens
►strawberry cheesecake
►cute puppy
--♥- ---- --♥ - -- -♥--

►get lost in paradise


be sure to leave your url and your name as well:]
let themroll
link ex's here:]
keep them coming

get carriedaway

&heartsTwo is better than one.
&heartsNot the Usual Morning.
&heartsMy Melody.
&heartsIt's a four.
&heartsHello, Summer!
&heartsCheers to eight.
&heartsThe start of a 5-day not-so-break.
&heartsAh, I see the light.
&heartsTaft Chic.

Escape fromreality

Codemix&Design by:
||Bea Jalandoni||

Credits: APcs2 1 2