
Weekend's Over? ZMFG:|
Sunday, October 18, 2009 ;

Today's pretty much tiring, I guess. I woke up at 7:30, ate breakfast and went off to WOG. I decided to render my service there as my Tredone requirement and I'm starting on Friday already. It kidn of excites me because I'll be teaching pre-school kids! Yey for me:] Spent two hours for usual Sunday worship, and went home. I dozed off because I slept quite late last night by just doing my machine project. There's no way in hell I can get it done this weekend. SCREW YOU dastrap! I was wondering if I could get someone from the upper batch to do it for me and just pay whatever price. Haha. But I know it would bring me trouble, so. . . forget it.

By the way, I started writing on my planner after 12490282743 years :]] EMOde. I had a little of laughs, giggles, tears and smiles while going through the pages from Jan to July Man I used to doodle A LOT. &&I'm going to start with it again. I got a little inspired when I saw the new BDJ Planner. \m/ I'll be buying one. WOOHOO 8)
My only problem for tonight is to get started with my freakin' machine project! I'm currently downloading GUI Genie, obviously for my gui layout but it frooooze damn it! I really need a miracle.

I think I'll be sleeping late again tonight. My sister isn't done with her project and unfortunately. . . I'll be helping her with the design. Cheers to sleepless night, man!

*i need a tumbler of white moccha frap please.

♪♪♪B's thoughts and babbles@9:37 PM

just aminute
They call me "Beiii" but the real name's Bea. Currently taking BS-Information Systems @DLSU-M. Seventeen yet still has a heart of little girl. *Daydreamer. I hate turning a little older every 2nd of September. My lipbalm's cherry pink. I most certainly LOVE cheesecakes. I would like to have blue streaks on my hair. I once dreamed of being a rockstar. Music is my thing. How I wish photography too. I sing in the shower. Laugh like there's no tomorrow.&&Smile even when the world is falling apart. 'Cause really... I never run out of reasons to be HAPPY.

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It's always good to have a cup of coffee, a slice of cheesecake, and get a little escape from reality.

explore myworld



►Dell Studio 1450
►new cellphone
►blue lava lamp
►white ballet flats
►new set of Staedtler pens
►strawberry cheesecake
►cute puppy
--♥- ---- --♥ - -- -♥--

►get lost in paradise


be sure to leave your url and your name as well:]
let themroll
link ex's here:]
keep them coming

get carriedaway

&heartsLook :]
&heartsHello, Long Weekend!
&heartsExtra. Extra.
&heartsPenguin's day out:]
&heartsDot dot dot . .
&heartsFirst Day WHY?!
&heartsTerm Break Blues.

Escape fromreality

Codemix&Design by:
||Bea Jalandoni||

Credits: APcs2 1 2